Where do we get the time to Travel? – The Most Frequently asked Question

This was infact the one question that prompted us to start this blog. For those of you who don’t already know, we are doctors by profession and travelling and blogging are just a passion the two of us share. We love sharing our travel stories, and motivating all of our friends, family and readers to travel. Well, is there really anything better than travelling and bathing in all the experience it brings?

This also meant that a lot of family, friends and colleagues ask us how in the world we make time to travel as much as we do, and in addition, blog about it!

So here’s the answer to how we travel as much as we do.

We are packing our bags atleast  two weekends a month.

That said, these are the two weekends that the two of us have free amongst us in between hospital duties and some rest. We usually leave on Friday evening, so that we have atleast a day and half to go around and see the stuff on our itinerary.

Our Itinerary

This brings us to point number two: Have a fixed itinerary. When you travel as often and as often as we do, and for short periods like over a weekend or a short holiday, it’s important to have a solid itinerary, so that you don’t waste time just roaming around without any direction ( although that can be sometimes fun too! ). This makes sure you make the most of your little time.

Confused on how you can pressure pack everything you want to do into an itinerary and still have time to relax? We have curated 10 steps into making that perfect itinerary for any short trip.

Save for those dream trips

We usually travel to places by train or bus (it’s cheaper and it’s also much easier to catch up on some sleep), stay at budget hotels ( c’mon, there really isn’t enough time to enjoy that spa, when you’re on a budget for time) and save for those luxury dream trips (that we make maybe once in a year or so!).

Exploring nearby towns has sorta become our thing.

Okay!! Paris and London do seem like fancier locations ; but that little town you pass every other weekend on that drive, well we bet you can find something you love or find amazing right there. When we don’t have the time or energy (some weeks work can be particularly draining!!), we make short drives to nearby towns or landscapes that we have seen or noticed before, but never really visited.

Instagram and good old Google will be your best friends on such trips and will help you find some fantastic spots right next to your neighbourhood.

Having the dream and passion

Last but never the least, this is infact the most important thing. There are some friends of ours who prefer to lay back and watch Netflix on their free weekends. We on the other hand, love travelling and exploring new places. And that’s what motivates us to get on the move in our little free time. So do whatever makes you happy. That’s the key here.

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